Studio Sessions with Alyssa Goodman

Q: Describe your art in three words.

A: Romantic, escapist, idealist.

Q: Where do you draw inspiration?

A: Much of my inspiration is taken from nature and the moments I spend in nature. There is something so perfect in those moments, the lighting of the golden hour, the feel of moss and grass underfoot. My paintings are a way to imagine that I can forever live in those moments. 

Q: What is your favourite medium and why?

A: Watercolour is by far my favourite medium. I find watercolour is underrepresented in the modern art world. Maybe people think of it as a weekend painter's choice. I'm not sure why I love it but maybe that is why. A sense of rebellion, or choosing not to bow to the current trends regarding what will sell in a gallery. 

Q: Who are some of your favourite artists?

A: Wangechi Mutu, Shary Boyle and Darby Milbrath.

Q: Do you have a day job? If so, what is it and does it influence your creative process in any way?

A: I run a small clothing company called Chez Bippy. For me, the tie between art and fashion is to be conscious of every aspect of what I am surrounded by and its impact on the world at large.

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